“Deep Pink Season”


“Underground Amphitheatre”

Preston Gravitt

“Deep Pink Season” is one of a series of original paintings by Preston Gravitt. The series conceptualizes Seasons of the year and common phrases. By first mentally reversing the colors Blue and Brown and second by redefining phrases connected with the season’s imagery, the painting’s naked and exposed “album cover” suggestion of an abyss or cavern and simple impossible 3-d figures would depict a deluge storm bursting through a dam that protects a small town and toppling its structures.

Others in the Series; 

The Winter of Life”

“Petals and Leaves on a Sidewalk”

Composite Board, Woodgrain coating; Recycled Bookcase Shelf

H : 24.5cm (9 9/16”)

W : 63.75cm (25 ⅜”)

D : 1.5cm (⅜”)


Acrylic Paint

Melted Crayon